All Natural & Non Toxic Bodycare

Advanced science-based skincare formulations rooted in science with raised in nature farm-sourced ingredients.


Our Story

My Name is Hillary and i am the founder of AB Living Essentials. My husband and kids all have eczema and for years we were buying a product from a big skincare brand that their skin loved! It was a staple product in my household until that brand decided to discontinue the jumbo size of the product, leaving only the option of buying a small container which was not economical for the container size and the frequency with which I would have to order it to continuously lotion 3 bodies with (my husband and 2 children). I started doing some research on natural skin loving ingredients that are nourishing and healing for eczema or really dry skin and made my own creams and lotion combinations and tested it out on my husband and kids’ skins to see if it would help at keeping their eczema under control like the big brand’s cream that I was trying to replace did. Low and behold I noticed that a couple of my products were doing so well for them that I had stopped buying store bought lotions all together and was always making batches of my products for not only my household, but for my extended family and friends as well.

A lot of love, research and trial and error went into these products and they are all made with either Organic or Vegan ingredients with most of the products remaining in their natural scent with no added fragrances. I did this because again, the initial target audience was for people like my family with sensitive and/or eczema/psoriasis prone skin. I didn’t want to use any harsh fragrances or ingredients that would irritate their skin. After doing this for over a year, I kept hearing “these are so great, you should sell this”. I was torn back and forth about it because I love my products and wholeheartedly believe in them but I was apprehensive about the entrepreneurial stresses that I’ve always heard about. 

I toiled with the thought of creating a business selling my products for MONTHS. At one point when I was seriously considering doing it (in January at the start of the new year) I randomly would keep coming across angel numbers 4:44, 222 & 555 either on a clock, or in likes on IG or in eta on my GPS. I was seeing divine angel numbers everywhere. I took that as a sign to stop being fearful and actually start a body care business selling my products. With that being said, I created a “Divine Body Lotion” collection that consists of 4 angel number themed lotions and a “UnstoppABLE Body Cream” collection that consists of various different cream densities and ingredient combinations that range from light and airy to rich and super hydrating to satisfy peoples’ different hydration level preferences.

The goal of my business is to provide people with another option for Organic and Vegan body care products that are actually ABLE to provide skin-loving results and hydration.


With Love,


Our Ingredients: Rooted in Science And Nature